The Aegis Awards are the video industry's premier competition for peer recognition of outstanding video productions and non-network TV commercials.
2001 Aegis Award
"It Takes a Man" 30 second PSA
Santa Barbara County Office of Family Violence
Trendsetters Group, Inc.
Designed to promote the importance of a father's role as part of the "Children in the Middle" campaign, the public service announcement has aired frequently throughout the Santa Barbara market via KCOY and Fox 11.The spot, shot and edited by Benjamin Cooper and produced by Angel Robinson, is a filmic slice of life that involved casting actors and telling a story that spans eight years in thirty seconds. The creative use of hair and makeup, costuming, super-8 "home movies" and multiple actors to portray the same child at different ages all contributed to the illusion.
1998 Aegis Award
"Orbit" Music Video
Artist Development Concepts
The music video was recognized for its outstanding production quality in the category of "Entertainment" by a distinguished panel of judges representing industry professionals from around the country. It was shot in two nights on a micro-budget. On the second night of shooting, the band nixed the original concept and the bulk of the video was improvised on the fly. Moody lighting and innovative editing techniques give the final product an expensive look that compliments the high energy song.